Photographic Streetscapes (also referred to as “streetscape montages”) are a more recent addition to the canon of BSA graphics. And while they are not listed on the checklists available on the BSA's website (as of this writing), they are frequently requested by project managers or the Board, and their preparation is directed for certain types of applications (e.g. pursuant to the Board's September 2015 memorandum concerning new application requirements for Special Permits pursuant to ZR §73-622).
These streetscapes are, in actuality, much more complex than they appear at first glance. In addition to simply stitching together several head-on photographs of the buildings on each block, the Board also requires that the address, lot area, floor area, building height, and FAR of each property appear beneath it. And, if any of the properties shown on the streetscape are the subject of a Board approval, said approval must be identified by calendar number, and if any of the identified characteristics of the building come from the Resolution, that must be noted as well.