Maps and Graphics for BSA Applications
Our BSA Radius Diagram/Land Use Maps are prepared according to the BSA's current instructions, and we are in contact with the BSA's staff to ensure they meet with approval from both project managers and the Board members alike. What you may not notice is that these maps keep evolving. The clarity of details, the shades of color, and the arrangement of the map have all been enhanced since we last published a portfolio. And we continue to improve even our most basic products all the time.
It only makes sense to have the firm that prepares your Radius Maps also prepare your Affected Owner Lists. After all, the map is how you identify which properties are located within the specific radius. The product itself is self-explanatory. More interesting is what we can do with an Affected Owner List. Check out section 7 for more information on our support services such as Notification Mailings, and Agency Submissions.
Preparing the Zoning, Tax and FIRM Maps required with a BSA application is fairly straightforward. You could even do it yourself. Then again, your time is valuable. And since you're already ordering other items, why not have us prepare them for you? The price is very reasonable. The product both polished and professional. Think of it as one less thing you need to worry about.
Nearly every BSA application requires a set of Photographs, and we would be pleased to provide them. Our Photographs are prepared according to the BSA's current instructions, and we are in contact with their project managers to respond to any comments they may have. Each set of Photographs includes a minimum of seven photographs (viewpoints), and up to 10 complete sets, printed in color, for your filing.
Photographic Streetscapes (also referred to as “streetscape montages”) are a more recent addition to the canon of BSA graphics. And while they are not listed on the checklists available on the BSA's website (as of this writing), they are frequently requested by project managers or the Board, and their preparation is directed for certain types of applications (e.g. pursuant to the Board's September 2015 memorandum concerning new application requirements for Special Permits pursuant to ZR §73-622).
These streetscapes are, in actuality, much more complex than they appear at first glance. In addition to simply stitching together several head-on photographs of the buildings on each block, the Board also requires that the address, lot area, floor area, building height, and FAR of each property appear beneath it. And, if any of the properties shown on the streetscape are the subject of a Board approval, said approval must be identified by calendar number, and if any of the identified characteristics of the building come from the Resolution, that must be noted as well.
There are countless contexts in which the relative characteristics of your proposal serve as the basis of an effective argument; the building is not the tallest on the block; or, the proposed lot coverage is typical of the neighborhood. That's what Comparison Studies—an intentionally broad term—are all about. Just about any set of building characteristics can be plotted to maps, diagrams, or even photographs. And, as the name would suggest, they can be comparative in nature, identifying or highlighting conditions that meet a certain value or threshold (e.g. buildings that are taller than what is proposed, or lot coverage that was approved by the Board in prior applications).
Architect's plans show how deep the yards on your site are; but what about the depth of yards in the surrounding area? Short of performing a survey of the entire neighborhood (surely at a cost in the tens of thousands of dollars) our Yard Depth Diagrams are the best alternative. And, they can be augmented by illustrating the proposed building's footprint, the required depth of yards (per the applicable zoning), or can highlight complying or noncomplying conditions.