By our count, there are no less than 40 different maps and graphics that routinely appear in EAS's and EIS's—and we prepare every one of them. They concern all types of subject matter, from the location of parks and open spaces, to the size and shape of shadows to be cast from proposed and projected developments. They vary in complexity, from basic land use maps, to the three-dimensional models of so-called “Urban Design Diagrams.”
The graphics used in environmental review application are so numerous, in fact, that we can't show you all of them. What appears in the following pages is just a sample. The point is, we prepare them all.
The examples above are the most basic of the lot, and are needed as early as the submission of a Reasonable Worst Case Development Scenario memo. They are, in clockwise order from top left: Site Location Map, Land Use Map, Aerial Map, and Tax Map.