The maps and graphics that appear in the preceding sections have one in thing in common: they are all required as part of different types of land use applications. That’s what you have to submit. Now, let’s talk about what you’ll want to submit. Which is custom-made, project-specific maps, graphics and studies. This is what will set your work apart.
Unlike required graphics, that are prepared according to a set of agency requirements (that we often don’t even particularly agree with), project-specific studies are an opportunity for us to collaborate with you; and to bring your argument to life in visual form. Suppose you are claiming that the height of a proposed building makes sense when the size and shape of the taller buildings in the area is considered; that your lot is uniquely shaped; or that a commercial overlay ought to continue for another block. Those aren’t points best made in writing. Instead, how about a map indicating the height of the surrounding buildings, and identifying those that are talker than what’s proposed; a diagram indicating the internal angles of irregular lots in the area, that explains that your corner has the most acute angle; or a survey of existing land uses that confirms that extending that overlay would actually marked reduce the block’s degree of nonconformance. Yes, all of these issues will still receive due treatment in your writing, but just think about how much more effective the argument becomes when coupled with the imagery. It’s that relationship that is the intense focus of our Project-Specific Studies.